Support & Contact

General information

To receive further information about FOSIM, please send an e-mail to FOSIMinfo or contact the Transport Research Centre directly.

FOSIM users support

When you experience problems using FOSIM, the information in the Documentation section may give the required information. Otherwise, please send an e-mail to Support. Include a description of the problem and, when available, the FOSIM input files that are involved. You will be contacted when the problem has been analysed.

Bug reports

When there appears to be a bug in the interface or the simulation model, please send an e-mail to Bug report. Include a clear description of the error found and attach, when available, the relevant input files. You will be contacted when the (possible) bug has been analysed.

Suggestions and wishes with regard to FOSIM

Please send your suggestions and wishes to FOSIM wishes. You will be informed about the way your suggestions are used.

Suggestions and wishes with regard to the FOSIM internet site

Please send your suggestions and wishes to FOSIM site wishes.

Contact address

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Rijkswaterstaat WVL, section BNBW, 6th floor

Mail address
P.O. Box 2232
3500 GE Utrecht
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31629024800
E-mail: Henk Heikoop

Contact Form

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