
This overview is not complete, but it does provide some idea of the ways Fosim can be used. Some of the reports can be downloaded. Fosim users can, if desired, have studies that they have carried out included in this list. Please send your request to FOSIM site wishes by using the contact form.

  • Handboek Capaciteitswaarden Infrastructuur Autosnelwegen versie 4, Sweco / Rijkswaterstaat WVL, 2015 (Dutch HCM version 4, simulations of weaving sections)
  • A7 Ring Zuid Groningen, Rijkswaterstaat NN, 2013 (simulations for future Ring road of Groningen)
  • A13 Delft-Noord – Ypenburg, RHDHV / Rijkswaterstaat WNZ, 2013 (simulations of alternatives of a weaving section included a future arterial road “Rotterdamse Baan” of the City of The Hague) door Gemeente Den Haag)
  • Handboek Capaciteitswaarden Infrastructuur Autosnelwegen versie 3, Witteveen+Bos & TU Delft / Rijkswaterstaat DVS, 2011 ((Dutch HCM version 3, simulations of weaving sections)
  • A10 Zuid Praktijkproef Amsterdam (PPA), Rijkswaterstaat DVS / DNH, 2008 (simulations of weaving sections)
  • A27 Lunetten – Rijnsweerd, Bureau Onderweg / Rijkswaterstaat DUT, 2006 (simulations of alternatives of weaving section and fly over)
  • A2 Abcoude, Rijkswaterstaat DUT, 2005 (simulations of alternatives for future freeway A2)

Older project with FOSIM including documents:

Schuurman, H., Traffic Operations at the A4 Nieuw-Vennep/Hoofddorp Weaving Section (Verkeersafwikkeling Weefvak A4 Nieuw-Vennep/Hoofddorp), Rotterdam, AVV, 2002 [In Dutch] (see Traffic Operations at the A4 Nieuw-Vennep/Hoofddorp weaving)

Estimation of the capacity of a new design for a weaving section at the A4 motorway between Nieuw-Vennep and Hoofddorp

Lint, H. van, S.P. Hoogendoorn, H.J. van Zuylen, Freeway Travel Time Prediction with State-Space Neural Networks - Modeling State-Space Dynamics with Recurrent Neural Networks, Preprint 02-2797 of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C.: Transportation Research Board, 2002

Fosim was used to generate 'artificial' traffic data to evaluate algorithms that predict travel times with neural networks.

Bliemer, M.C.J., Analytical Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Interacting User Classes - Theoretical Advances and Applications using a Variational Inequality Approach, Delft: Delft University Press Science, 2001

Fosim was used to generate 'artificial' traffic data, specifically, with a large amount of heavy vehicles, in a research project that developed an analytical dynamic traffic assignment model with interacting user classes.

ir. A.M. de Leeuw, ir. T. Dijker, Praktijkstudies FOSIM 4, Delft, AVV, 2002 (see Praktijkstudies)

Estimation of the capacities of several design alternatives of motorway sections in the province of Noord-Brabant [in Dutch]

ir. R.G.M.M. Vermijs, Capaciteit van symmetrische weefvakken, Delft, AVV, 1997 (see Capacity of symmetrical weaving sections)

Estimation of the capacities of symmetrical weaving sections, carried out for the Dutch Capacity Manual for Motorways [in English]

ir T. Dijker, dr ir M.M. Minderhoud, Capacity of symmetrical weaving sections, Delft, AVV, 2002 (see Capaciteit van asymmetrische weefvakken)

Estimation of the capacities of asymmetrical weaving sections, carried out for the Dutch Capacity Manual for Motorways [in Dutch]

Leeuw, A.M. de, T. Dijker, Traffic Operations at the Zoomland Interchange (Afwikkelingskwaliteit knooppunt Zoomland), Delft: The Delft University of Technology, 1998

Fosim was used to estimate the capacity of several design alternatives for the A4-A58 interchange 'Zoomland'.

Dijker, T., P.H.L. Bovy, R.G.M.M. Vermijs, Car following under congested conditions: empirical findings, In: Transportation Research Record 1644, Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board, 1998, pp. 20-28 (see the Documentation section)

Emperical research showed significant differences in car-following behaviour during congested and non-congested conditions. When these findings were used in an experimental version of Fosim, the simulation results for congested flow conditions corresponded far better with reality.

Transpute & TU Delft, Forecast of the Traffic Operations at the Terbregseplein Interchange - Effects of the Project 'Truck Lanes A20 and A16 - 2nd Phase' (Prognose Verkeersafwikkeling Terbregseplein - Effekten van het project 'Vrachtstroken A20 en A16 - 2e Fase' op de Verkeersafwikkeling), Gouda: Transpute, 1995 [In Dutch]

Fosim was used to determine the consequences of separate infrastructure for heavy vehicles at the Terbregseplein interchange. The results were used in a queueing model to assess the consequences for the interchange as a whole.

Schuurman, H., Overtaking Prohibition for Trucks on Motorways? (Inhaalverbod voor vrachtverkeer op autosnelwegen?), In: Verkeerskundige Werkdagen 1995, Ede: C.R.O.W, 1995, pp. 71-79 [In Dutch]

Fosim was used to assess the consequences of a prohibition for trucks to overtake.

Schuurman, H., R.G.M.M. Vermijs, Simulation of Utilisation Measures - Impact Study with the Simulation Model FOSIM (Simulatie Benuttingsmaatregelen - Effektenstudie m.b.v. het Mikrosimulatiemodel FOSIM), Delft: The Delft University of Technology, 1994 [In Dutch]

Fosim was used to assess the impacts on traffic operations of truck overtaking prohibitions or the prohibition of trucks to enter the motorway during peak hours.

Vermijs, R.G.M.M., H. Schuurman, Evaluating capacity of freeway weaving sections and on-ramps using the microscopic simulation model FOSIM, In: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Highway Capacity (R. Akçelik ed.), Sydney: Autralian Road Research Board, 1994, pp. 651-670

Fosim was used to study traffic operations on weaving sections and on-ramps.

Nelis, J.G., H. Schuurman, R.G.M.M. Vermijs, D. Westland, Work Zones on Motorways - Application of Microscopic Simulation to Study Traffic Operations (Werk in uitvoering op autosnelwegen - Microsimulatie van de verkeersafwikkeling), Delft: The Delft University of Technology, 1992 [In Dutch]

Fosim was used in a research project on traffic operations in Work Zones.